SEMINAR think of your own business story
workshop seminar

Course content
1 Features and charms of cartoon videos
How to use manga videos that have been able to recover in a V-shaped fashion even during the corona crisis? I will talk about how to use manga videos.
3 The reality of the production site of cartoon videos
I will show you how to make a mecelle manga video!
2 Create a scenario
Reflect on your business and create a story. What is the truth that can be seen there??
4 Opportunities for sole proprietors to apply for subsidies
You can make tools to sell yourself using subsidies well! Let's learn how to use subsidies and how to use them!
How to take
Held schedule

15th time

2022 / 12 / 9 / Fri 19:00 - 21:00
How to apply
Click here to apply for 12/9

Lecturer introduction

  • 仁木 良一

    仁木 良一 Yoshikazu Niki

    Representative Director, Mecelle Co., Ltd.

    Joined Japan Recruit Center Co., Ltd. (currently Recruit Co., Ltd.) in 1983 as a new graduate, and experienced recruiting support for many small and medium-sized companies as a manager at the time of the launch of the magazine Gaten. Later, he changed jobs to USEN Co., Ltd. through headhunting. As the sales manager of the video distribution site GyaO, he was the first in Japan to start monetizing broadband content. In 2019, he established a joint company recruitment support center and started full-scale activities as a recruitment consultant, but as soon as the corona crisis started, orders dropped sharply. I recovered my character.
    Based on this experience, he established Micell Co., Ltd. with Kokoro Yoshikawa in order to contribute to society.

  • 吉川 心

    吉川 心 Shin Yoshikawa

    Mecelle Co., Ltd. Creative Director

    After graduating from an art university, worked for an advertising company, and then carried out throwing caricatures on the street.
    From the homeless to the president of a large company, through caricature illustrations, he comes into contact with various people and realizes the role and potential of illustrations.
    In 2021, jointly established Mecelle Co., Ltd. While working as a creative director of Mecelle, he is active as a representative of I.J.T.C CAMPNY, connecting the best of Japan while traveling.

  • 真鍋 英

    真鍋 英 Akira Manabe

    Sales promotion copywriting

    Representative of Kotonoha Marketing. After joining a major food manufacturer as a salesperson, he mastered “sales copywriting,” a psychological technique that leads to purchases using only text. Write sales materials and double the sales of the client in charge compared to the previous year with a sales style of "just show the sales materials (text) and read it aloud".
    Lecture on the importance of sales sheets.

  • 山下 理人

    山下 理人 Michito Yamashita

    In charge of subsidy utilization techniques

    Representative Partner of Evergreen LLC
    After experiencing multiple businesses such as major domestic electric manufacturers, IT ventures, foreign advertising agencies, and EC site management companies, he currently provides subsidy application support and business consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises.
    More than 100 subsidies have been applied for and adopted.

  • 戸田 拓児

    戸田 拓児 Takuji Toda

    In charge of subsidy utilization techniques

    Representative Director of KUMADE Co., Ltd.
    Joined Ajinomoto Co., Ltd. as a new graduate and worked in Japan and the United States as a production technology expert.
    A total of 1.5 billion yen has been awarded so far. Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Business Administration (MBA).


For inquiries and questions
Please feel free to contact us from here.